Building Families Through The Miracle Of Adoption

Jul 29, 2008

Too much to type!

The last few days have been INCREDIBLY stressful! Last night we received a prelim. review of what CAS is doing...running ads AGAIN for the birth mothers to come forward....and more!

Our attorney continues to work on our behalf..

Yesterday, I contacted John Wally Bird (USCIS) and he was very, very PLEASANT! He too is going through an adoption process! He seemed to understand the pain and the way this type of stress can HAULT your entire life!

Jason spoke with Richard Burr's office and they have been all over this and will continue to be!

I am beat! I am tired! I am sick to my stomach and scared to death! If I went into all of the detail we have dealt with in the last 48 hours you would be reading all day and your head would spin off!!! Trust me, this is the HARDEST thing we have ever endured...our baby stuck in an orphanage, what happens next....moving to a foreign country for 2 years, how will we get Gabby there, will our medical case 1001 cocker spaniel have the medications she needs (go ahead and laugh so you don't cry, that is what I MUST do these days), what will we do for work in order to live and pay rent and buy food....the list goes on!

If we have to move outside of the USA for 2 years we are ready to do so. We just wait now until our agency completes their additional ads they must run!

Pray for "Ms. Hannigan & Rooster"...the hens know them well.

Again, please continue to pray! Jason & I are incredibly down and out! God is with us, I know that! He is also with the 40+ other babies in the TQ orphanage watching over them and that is the ONLY reason I look forward to another day!

God Bless our babies in TQ!

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