Little Miss Magic...the 2 year old DRAMA QUEEN!
I feel so behind when it comes to much has been happening in Little Miss Magic's life! She is growing up (well she's acting like a very advanced 2 year old and she is getting taller...but still a little peanut...20 pounds with clothes, shoes and coat on)! HAHA! She is into everything these days and is a BUSY body!
Loves her new art station Nanny!
She had her Thanksgiving program at MMO and she was the cutest Turkey ever! She really showed OUT when she saw Jason & I! It was so funny!!! She's a complete show-off!!! She still loves anything to do with music, she loves art and LOVES books...I could listen to her sweet voice "read" for hours.

... and STICKERS are a part of life...period!
She is SO independent that sometimes I wish she would chill a bit (I have no idea where she gets it?!) YEA RIGHT! Her FAVORITE song for the Christmas season is Jingle Bells and each time it plays on her beautiful Carrousel that Scott & Krista gave her

she really gets into it!
Thanksgiving night, her high fever returned....the doctor confirmed the pneumonia was not completely clear....she was put back on meds and she is feeling GREAT great, that she decided to stay up ALL night LONG last night to sing, dance, ask for MILK (and she doesn't LIKE MILK)...I think Granny did it (they had a good time playing HAIR salon)??!!! Nice look on both of you dolls!

HG loves ANYTHING, nails, SHOES, bows....all that girlie stuff! And speaking of shoes, Lulu...she LOVES, LOVES, LOVES her pink cowgirl boots!!! She wanted to take these photos just for you!
Check out my boots Lulu...yep, I'm still the wild HALLE-GRACE you know so well
OK, this one shows MY BOOTS and I'm serious about my fashion!
AND, below is my favorite photo from the "Christmas pics" I took of the three H's will find many more in the link below

ENJOY all the photos.....
Life with Miss Magic is MAGICAL for sure!!!