Well, tomorrow is the big day. I have not anticipated a birthday like this since I turned 16. I remember daydreaming about all the freedom being 16 would give, all of the possibilities and opportunities that lie ahead of me, yet to be discovered. In a sense, tomorrow has the same feeling, obviously for Halle-Grace and not for myself, but the anticipation is the same. Tomorrow will be the first of, what I pray, to be many, Many, MANY more birthdays to come. What will her interests be? What will be her profession? Who will her husband be? (That is an easy one, NO ONE, because she will not ever be allowed to date!!!)
I just looked back through last year’s planner to see what I was doing this time last year. Nothing is on my calendar, and what is not said, speaks volumes. I was doing absolutely NOTHING. Well, I am sure I was not just sitting on the couch staring at a wall, but relatively speaking, whatever it was that I was doing meant nothing. Everything pales in comparison. I look at life in two stages now. PRE-Halle-Grace and WITH-Halle-Grace. There were a lot of things I thought were important during the PRE years. HA! I used to even think that Birthday parties were a little over the top and not really worth making a big deal over. Let’s just say I have rethought that point.
It is amazing we all have been home now for almost two months. This time has FLOWN by. 99.9% of me wants time to crawl by and have her stay this age forever. She is so much fun. But all the new things she does only happen because she is growing and developing brain cells. Not to wish her, or my life away, but .1% of me will be happy when she outgrows Blues Clues. But then again, if that purple dinosaur comes back in style, I will put up with an overly chipper dude who is infatuated with green striped shirts…if you know what I am talking about, Lord bless you!!!
More from Mama...
We are excited to watch her tear into a cake! We promise photos!!!
She received a card in the mail from Nanny today. Nanny sends her cards for every occasion...Halloween, Thanksgiving, Happy Birthday....so SWEET! She loves her nanny (all kids love nanny) and we appreciate all of her help with the up-coming birthday bash!
Cake-face photos coming soon!
Speaking of photos...the 1st OFFICIAL Professional Photographer for Princess Halle-Grace(for both her birthday bash and the Devine Christmas photos) is Angela Shea. Her work in amazing!!! Check out her masterpieces at www.angelasheaphotography.com
We are super excited to be working with Angela and I know Halle-Grace will give her more than enough entertainment to work with!
Get ready Angela...she's a ham!