WOW! Halle-Grace is just so darn adorable! I know I have said this 100 times but she is the BEST BABY! She is so funny and last night she entertained the restaurant while we had dinner at a restaurant at Hoan Kiem Lake. BOY, it was least 10,000 motor bikes again! It's amazing they sit 3-4 on a motor bike and little kids just hang on for the ride! We had dinner with another CAS family who adopted their son, James from the Da Nang province (Kaitlyn's province...WE LOVE KAITLIN! Sherri, I know you read here so I will tell you now...the baby back pack is the BEST, the toys...Halle-Grace loves and everything you told me has come in so handy. I can't thank you enough. I know what Kaitlyn she will say when we ask her "where was Halle-Grace born?" She is too cute!)
So while we are having dinner with George, Mary and James this older Vietnamese lady took about 5 photos of me! It made me feel weird! I know it's not because I was looking nice...none of my hair products work here, my hairdryer barely, my curling iron or straightening iron..NOT! And it is SO hot, there is no reason to have make-up running off your face so that part was bad too! Maybe she is doing a documentary on how Americans should not look in a foreign country! Jason said it was OK that he is doing the same thing. I said what do you mean, his answer, "taking pictures of everything that is strange looking/out of the ordinary...such as the sea of motor bikes..." Well that made me feel good...NOT!
So, back to the most important thing...HALLE-GRACE! She's amazing!!! Have I said that yet? Yesterday she had a BIG day. We had a bath in the sink. She is so tiny that it was too big for her. She loved her bath and was amazed with it! I am not sure if they took baths at the orphanage. Don't get me wrong the babies are clean but it is probably more of a process such as a pan and a wash cloth type of deal, but maybe she was just excited to be in the sink too. She splashed around and her daddy doesn't want nudie photos so I had to cover her privates up! HE IS NOT RIGHT!!! Speaking of the "little ham" she went with her daddy to the super market in the Baby Bjourn and she LOVED it (Thank you Lori this has been a handy dandy). She talked to everyone and Jason said they need to leave 30 min. early next time because everyone stops and says "beautiful" and clicks at her. They make a clicking sound to the children.
She is still sleeping like a wild woman but is so peaceful when she does so. I am getting ready to call Miss Hannah who has tried to call many times. She wants to talk to Halle-Grace so bad! She told me that she sleeps like her and acts like her too. She is not enjoying being called "Hurrican Hanna". Hunter tells me he is enjoying middle-school. He is playing football for the first time this year and loves it...but he is still going to play basketball at Carolina (Tarheels that is!!!)
More later on our tiny miracle.
Shannon, Jason & Halle-Grace