HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAY KAY!!! We are praying HG feels better so we can celebrate with you...it's not looking very promising at almost 2am...but you know she'll make it up to you!
Little Miss Magic has not been feeling 100% this week. She has a nasty ear infection and has been very clingy and just wants to be held. I can’t blame her and like the doctor said, “when little ones are sick, they cling to what makes them feel safe and secure”! That statement has made me think deeply and brings a huge SMILE to my face (even though its almost 2am and I am sitting on the couch with a snoring little one…HAHA) and warms my heart like NOTHING else! It takes me back a year…around the exact same time. WOW, I can’t believe one year ago, we were preparing all necessary paperwork *against the USCIS/DOS wishes* (if you can guess their TRUE wishes you can quit your day job -they don’t have a clue!
Last year, I remember traveling to the Atlanta Apparel with my two of my dearest friends, Jamye and Heather Shaw. Jamye makes FABULOUS swimsuits...check her out www.jamyeshaw.com AND they are coming to see Little Miss Magic this week before heading to work the apparel mart! How things ALL come together!!! Pretty COOL!
At that time, the nannies at the orphanage had been notified that we were coming to adopt HalleGrace via Vietnamese law (without a I-600 approval). I remember Heather & I checking email in a café inside the apparel mart and receiving the below photos.
HalleGrace at TQ last August.
I was SO upset because Halle-Grace seemed so wobbly and her hair was completely GONE! Little did I know the “true conditions” inside her orphanage…something the USCIS obviously could give 2 cents about! GOD bless the babies/children who are still there and the amazing nannies who provide LIFE for these angels!
Seems like yesterday….. making plans, packing, making sure we had everything we could think of (on top of having NO idea how long we would be living in HalleGrace’s birth country!) Was it scary? YES! I remember before we left, my dad hugged me in my kitchen and it was a hug of reality!!! I knew that he knew he may not see his daughter for 2 years…but he also knew I HAD to get my daughter out of the orphanage, WAY OVERDUE!! My heart was content and God was pushing me to GO! He’s Awesome and has a way of knowing when families belong together….have you been around Little Miss Magic? Looks like her daddy…acts like her mama…sad but true! HA HA
I can’t begin to imagine life without LITTLE MISS MAGIC? Oh my, how boring it would be! She has changed every person who comes into contact with her. She truly has a “magical” personality!
As we prepare to celebrate our 1st Annual Family Day (September 1, 2009) exactly ONE year since we adopted our daughter, my emotions are OVERWHELMING to be completely honest! My prayer is the US Gov. will get things straight when it comes to HELPING others…just like this crazy idea of reforming health care that makes NO sense GOSH, give me a break!!! WHY are there still babies/children in TQ without forever families? WHY? They are precious little angels….like HalleGrace, Lulu, Saige, Matthew, Samantha, Abbie, Kate, Isabella, Quinh and so many others who I had the pleasure of holding on September 1, 2008…I will NEVER forget that day! It’s etched in my heart forever!
Thank God for our tiny miracle. As I sit and type, she is sleeping on my chest…she is so little *not even a full 19 pounds at 21 months* I pray her ear infection and “yuck” will be gone soon!!! BUT, at least this year, this day…I know I can hold and comfort my baby girl…
A BIG celebration is coming up...Devines 1st Annual Family Day! We plan to celebrate Family Day for many, many, many years to come!!!
God Bless!