Today Jason took Halle-Grace to her well visit at the pediatrician's office. Jason is the BEST DAD EVER!!! Halle-Grace had 2 shots today and they did some blood work. During the visit, Jason was sending text/pictures to me...the one that stands out in my mind the most...she was looking at her bright pink band-aid and the caption read "she cackled at the nurse". She didn't even cry when they took blood! Heck, I was crying and I was in Seneca, SC working not getting stuck with needles!
The doctor says she is doing well and her blood work looks great. She is STILL 16 pounds(actually lost 2 ounces since last week when she was there for the croup...which by the way she no longer has) She eats very well and looks very healthy! She is in the 4th percentile of weight for her age but doc says don't be concerned. Like we have said many times, she is our TINY MIRACLE!
Thank God she is happy & healthy!