Halle-Grace is a year old today! I can't believe it...like the saying goes, "time flies when you're having fun". She is such an amazing little girl with a personality to charm anyone in any type of mood (speaking from experience here)! She woke up this morning bright and early in her usual happy mood. Jason said, "Happy Birthday" and before he could get those 2 words out she was already holding one finger up (to show us how old she is). She is too cool! She received lots of great cards in the mail today and calls from family and friends wishing her a Happy 1st Birthday!!!
I am waiting on Jason & Halle-Grace to get back from church (I have a horrible cold/cough...trying to get better...pray that happens before Saturday). Jason made Halle-Grace some birthday treats to dig into when they get home:) I will post photos ASAP!
OK...we realize these photos look like "Christmas pics rather than birthday ones but someone insisted on playing around the Christmas tree and attacking the video camera!
She didn't show a lot of interest in any type of sweets **maybe because she still likes her milk warm**? None the less, she is hilarious and had a fantastic 1st birthday. Saturday is the birthday bash and we are all excited to see her expressions...maybe we can get some "cake on the face" shots!