Halle-Grace is a mess! She is a complete show off...even grunts at people to get their attention, especially in the restaurant! She knows they will come and carry her around. I have no idea what we will do when we return home! Wait staff in America usually don't carry children around and entertain them while their parents eat.
Lulu is feeling so much better! Thank the good Lord! Nanny read to the girls last night (photos below) and they still enjoy riding in their walkers...aka...."trick my truck". Here's the story...Halle-Grace had a cut on her finger and I thought it looked like a deep paper cut then I discovered her walker was cracked!!! Luckily, with the help of DUCK TAPE we repaired it! Now it looks NICE with silver reflectors! I told Jason we "pimped her ride" and he said, "No, you tricked her truck" that is a show on TV? I have personally never watched it but her walker is back in working condition! Duck tape has many purposes in Vietnam. The power outlets are very different and you can't buy the little plug ins that we use in America SO, duct tape works well! Sounds a little "red-neck" but when you are raising a child in a foreign country it is simply "pratical". You do what you have to do!
Other things Halle-Grace is doing at 10 months:
* LOVES MUSIC...any kind and dances when she hears it
* Claps her hands a lot
* Says Ma Ma, Da Da, Ba Ba (for bottle)
* Waves bye
* Grunts at the wait staff
* Absolutely LOVES to take a bath and dry her hair (what little bit she has. They shaved her head 2X at the orphanage so it is growing again)
* Loves the computer and know Daddy or Hannah & Hunter are going to show up daily
* Loves to hear her own voice!
* Blows bubbles
* Fights Sleep
* Teething
* Speeds around in her "Trick my Truck" crashing into anything
* Blows kisses
* copies just about anything we do
* AND SO MUCH MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She is simply amazing and LITTLE MISS MAGIC for sure!
HEY, LOOK UP HERE AT THE BOOKS (so mama can take a photo)