Building Families Through The Miracle Of Adoption

Nov 11, 2009

November is National Adoption Month...and Miss Magic is turning 2!!!!

November is a very special month!!! Thanksgiving, Miss Magic's Birthday and it's the month to raise awareness about the miracle of adoption! WOW, what would our life be like without the most amazing gift....God allowing us to adopt HG! He must think we are pretty special because we have the most amazing little girl EVER...and she's gonna be 2 years old next week!!! I can't believe it! She's getting excited and singing Happy Birthday every night at bedtime. The 2 books (ALWAYS Cinderella and lately Bear Hugs) then we say our prayers, then we sing. The last two nights Jason has asked her what she wants to sing and she starts "Jesus" and we sing "Jesus loves me..." then she likes to sing itsy bitsy spider or you are my sunshine but since last Sunday (Lizzy's birthday party) she has ended the night with HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! So, she's ready!!!
We are planning a BIG TOP party for friends and family and it is going to be a lot of fun!!! I get really excited about planning her birthday parties (I don't know's just fun)! On her actual birthday, we are having a celebration at her Morning Out Program. As I stated earlier, it's a Cinderella Party!!! Her aunt Ollie made her the most adorable Cinderella dress to wear (pic coming) and when I called around to see who makes Cinderella cupcakes...well, let's just say I received some pretty funny responses...."We don't have Cinderella but we have fairies"....."No, we don't have Cinderella or any of those other princesses with all those hair colors"....."NO (with a lot of excitement) we don't have Cinderella BUT we have Barbie and they look JUST ALIKE"!!!! hahaha

Soooooo, thanks to Mer and my etsy craze...I found the PERFECT cupcake toppers for her party at school. I think she is going to LOVE every bite!!

1 comment:

Mer (Lulu's Mommy) said...

I dreamed about you guys last night and that we came to visit!!!!!