Building Families Through The Miracle Of Adoption

Sep 16, 2008

RFE response made it to Ho Chi Minh City yesterday!

After much stress over our RFE response being held in customs...we finally received a delivery confirmation yesterday just before 5pm!

Congressman McHenry's office has already been in touch with USCIS in DC & Ho Chi Minh City making his daily inquiries (or pings as he calls them). The USCIS has promised to adjudicate our case within 21 days, however, they should be able to complete this more quickly as USCIS has sent additional staff to Vietnam to help process the approvals (that is what we are praying for)!

Halle-Grace loves seeing daddy on the webcam and she gets really excited when he puts the camera on Gabby! OH, I pray we do not have to be just a "webcam" family! Families are meant to be together.

When I was a little girl my Papaw Pete would take me to "political" events. I was convinced I was a die-hard democrat...later in life, I thought I was a I am just an ordinary citizen of the United States wanting the "American Dream" the right to bring my daughter home and raise her in our Christian Home! Who cares about politics when God is on your side! So, whatever party preference that falls under...that is what I am today! I am not sure if that party exists BUT I know that God does and I know He is working to bring us home!!! Faith is what kicks in when all understanding has kicked out!

So, off the political rant...Halle-Grace is amazing. She loves MUSIC!!! She loves people, she loves to be the "life of the party", she is LOUD like her mom!!! She is very friendly and has mannerisms that make you fall in love with her more & more each day! God has truly blessed us with this tiny miracle! Someone out there made the BEST decision to give her life on November 19, 2007! Thank God for that amazing woman, Halle-Grace's birth mother! Halle-Grace will be 10 months old in a few days! OH, I pray she is celebrating her first birthday at home in NC! God Bless her birth mom!

Please say an extra prayer for Lulu. She had to go to the SOS clinic and has a middle ear infection. Bless her sweet heart! She is such a cutie!!!

Longing for our HOMECOMING to the US!


tiny said...

Shannon and Jason,
I am a div student at GWU and have been in such prayer for your adoption since Jason mentioned it to me in our OT class last semester. When Jason sent the call for action--asking us to contact our congressional representatives--I was so thrilled to have a way to help. I am absolutely delighted that you have your daughter in your arms. I pray you will all be together in NC soon.
I can so identify with Jason's message. When each of my children (I have three kiddos)were born, I "suffered" post-partum elation. I've never gotten over it.
Blessings to you as you begin this most precious journey. Aileen Mitchell Lawrimore

Unknown said...

Shannon and Jason,

Congrats on the response making it to Ho Chi Minch City!! I hope you that you hear something before the 21 days. I know that you don't want to be a "webcam" family but thank God for that technology!! I'm glad that you all can at least see each other. Please let Lulu's parents know that I'm praying for them. I know from first hand experience how awful the kids feel when they have an ear infection! I pray for a speedy recovery for her.

Sherry :)

tiny said...

Shannon & Jason I'm soooo very excited for ya'll. As I am typing this, I can barely see with tears just pouring down my face. This is a miracle. You two deserve her so much. Can't wait to see her. How much longer? I will be praying for ya'll. Lots of Love & many blessings, Sharon Miller-Ashley

Mer (Lulu's Mommy) said...

Halle-Grace is hysterical lol Love that girl.

I wish we could bring you and your mom home with us :)