Building Families Through The Miracle Of Adoption

Sep 11, 2008


Jason just changed his travel plans and will be staying an extra day! He has Halle-Grace fever BAD! He will now leave at 11:00pm Saturday (Hanoi time) vs. tonight at 6pm (Hanoi time). He is REALLY excited to spend one more day with Halle-Grace. He is in LOVE! I cannot stress what a wonderful dad her is! He does it all!!! Last night...two stinky diapers.

Last night when we returned home from downtown we received an email from our attorney's office saying she had reviewed our response (married with parts of her response) she approved and it was mailed!!!! We are VERY thankful and praise God that the process is moving along! Now is the time...if you have not said a prayer or 10,000 please do so!

We want to come home and allow Halle-Grace to officially start her "new" life at home!

Hannah, I am sorry you fell at school. I am just thankful you didn't have to go back to Carolina Ortho. Nanny found you some surprises last night and you will love them!

The streets in Hanoi are set up by "items" such as....a bag/luggage row, a jewelry row, a silk street, even a plumbing street! SO much shopping to do and AWESOME prices!!! We purchased Halle-Grace 6 of her Adoption Day/G&R Day gifts for less than $30.00 and that includes a painting, dolls and other items that I have to keep a secret (one day Halle-Grace will be able to read this as I am printing this for her "Story book".

More from rainy Hanoi later!!!

We miss and love you all!

The Devines in Vietnam


Unknown said...

Shannon and Jason,

I'm so thankful that your response has been mailed!! I know you can not wait to hear from them. I'm so glad that you are taking in as much as you can of Vietnam. I know I've said it before but seeing the pictures and reading your blog brings back so many memories. Praying for a very fast approval!

Sherry :)

Unknown said...

Shannon and Jason,
I can't tell you how great your blog is. It's great to get a daily update. I'm showing pics around and have everyone here excited about you guys coming home. I knew Jason would have a difficult time leaving. Maybe you and Halle-Grace will be home soon. That is our prayer.
Tell that precious little angel that her KayKay and Papaw love her deeply and can't wait to hold her in our arms. I am about to burst!!!!Hurry home. I don't know much longer I can bear to wait!!
We love you, all 3 of you. Be careful, be safe, and know you are missed and loved.
Always your....Kay Kay

Unknown said...

Shannon: Tell Wanda that Hannah told me last night that her favorite picture so far was the one with her and Halle-Grace. She said that's because she misses her Nanny and she loves Halle-Grace. I thought that was precious. She's coming to spend the night tonight. Not sure yet if Hunter's coming...maybe. Love u. Kay Kay