Building Families Through The Miracle Of Adoption

Aug 4, 2008

Happy Birthday Obama! Thank you for sending your staffer and thanks to AMY GREGORIO!

(thank you Amy Gregorio for making this contact, Obama sent a staffer)!

Sent to Elizabeth Olsen, Obama's staffer and advocate for the families!

Good morning. I wanted to thank you again for introducing yourself Friday and your willingness to assist us in our efforts to start our family. As I stated in the briefing, Halle-Grace is our first child and my wife and I, obviously so, have been overjoyed and ecstatic about the prospect of traveling to Vietnam to formally adopt her since our initial referral on March 5, 2008. Unfortunately, our seemingly momentary delay has turned into a living nightmare, where at times, we have been doubtful if we would even be able to adopt our child and begin our family. My hope is bolstered by the compassion of people like yourself and your willingness to assist us in our efforts to start our family.
Let me begin by saying, I found it interesting from the briefing on Friday, with a room full of legislative staffers, you were one of a few that took the time to introduce yourself and offer assistance. I say this because I am currently reading "The Audacity of Hope" and I recently highlighted on page 115 a sentence that caught my eye: "The problems of ordinary people, the voices of the Rust Belt town or the dwindling heartland, become a distant echo rather than a palpable reality, abstractions to be managed rather than battles to be fought." I am hopeful this statement is genuine and real vis-à-vis the hollow and superficial statements I heard at Friday's briefing. Please help us and the other 40+ families fight this battle, not by giving us special treatment, but by ensuring our own government agencies act in the same ethical manner they are demanding of Vietnam!

Jason's email to Ms. Olsen went on for two more pages...He was very impressed with her sincere compassion and concern for the situation at hand! THANK YOU Ms. Olsen!

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