Building Families Through The Miracle Of Adoption

Aug 10, 2008

Halle-Grace's birth mother...MY HERO!

The United States Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS) is asking the families with children in TQ to find birth parents. They don't believe these mothers wanted to abandon their babies at the orphanage. They only have suspicion. We and the other families have been put through months and months of pain, heartbreak, stress, depression and absolute frustration, not to mention the most important concern of all...what is happening to Halle-Grace and all of the other babies as a result? This is so hard to swallow and hurt beyond imagination!

About Halle Grace’s birth place: Tuyen Quang, Vietnam
*It is among the poorest provinces of the country (the 7th poorest). TQ is located in the hills of northern Vietnam, population 800,000+. It encompasses a geographical area of 5801 square kilometers, almost 80% of the population live in poverty! Most live on 30 cent a day!
*Birth mothers choose not to parent their children due to extreme poverty, with TQ being among the poorest provinces of the country and the cultural consequences of being an unwed mother, such as shame and inability to marry if they have had a child.
*Birth mothers choose to abandon their children rather than relinquish them due to shame at being an unwed mother, fear of reprisal and ostracism from their families of origin if their pregnancy and subsequent birth of children were known to their families and communities, and fear of inability to marry in the future
*Vietnam has one of the highest abortion rates in the world! THANK GOD for Halle-Grace's abandonment! Her birth mom is my hero!
*Birth mothers DO NOT WANT TO BE FOUND due to the above reasons

To Her Birthmother by Tom Fisher

You gave her birth
We’ll give her life
You gave her todays
We’ll give her tomorrows
You gave her race
We’ll give her identity
You gave her heritage
We’ll give her future
You gave her possibilities
We’ll give her potentials
You gave her up
We’ll have to let go
You dream of her future
We’ll work hard for your dreams to come true
You gave her hope
We will too.

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