Building Families Through The Miracle Of Adoption

May 30, 2008

First Mother's Day (written on May 12, 2008)

Today seems like the perfect day to start a "blog" as means of communication with our family and friends as we get closer to meeting our tiny miracle, Halle-Grace!

God has blessed us beyond what I ever envisioned! There were many times along this "journey" that I questioned WHY, WHY, WHY? Now, I know why! You see, God has the master plan! The best way for me to describe my understanding is this...He holds the completed piece of art in His hands (our lives) and He also has all of the colors a crayon box can possibly have...we, on the other hand, have a piece of one of the crayons in His box of 64! It may seem like a weird analogy, but it is the best I can do. The bottom line...the last two years have been extremely hard, heart-breaking many times, lots of tears, tons of fears and NOW, this amazing, most beautiful tiny miracle He has chosen. WOW! Now I say, WHY again--What did I do to deserve this most adorable, most precious girl?

Good things come to those who wait! So, as we prepare to meet our daughter, we hope that you will celebrate with us, follow our journey and PRAY each and everyday for her homecoming!
God Bless! We look forward to sharing our "journey" with you!

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