(From Joint Council)Dear Families, Friends and Colleagues,
Senators Landrieu and Coleman, along with other Members of Congress, are continuing to show their support of ensuring every child’s right to a permanent, safe, and loving family. As part of their commitment, they will be forwarding a letter to Nguyen Tan Dung, the Prime Minister of Vietnam. This letter will encourage Vietnam’s continued participation in negotiations related to the new bilateral agreement on intercountry adoption. The letter will express Congressional support for the continuation of intercountry adoption and will emphasize the importance of the transition to a Hague-compliant system and a new bilateral treaty.
Between Monday, January 5th and Wednesday, January 7th, individuals can support this important initiative through the following methods:
Contact your Congressional Representatives and Senators and ask them to sign the letter to the Prime Minister of Vietnam regarding the future of intercountry adoptions from Vietnam. Also, note that if they are interested in signing, they should contact Sarada Peri from Senator Landrieu’s office (Sarada_Peri@landrieu.senate.gov) by Wednesday, January 7th. For a list of Senators and Congressman that have signed the letter as of the time of this writing, please see below.
To contact your Senators’ phone numbers and email address at www.senate.gov
Representatives’ www.house.gov
The letter to the Prime Minister can only be successful with your help!
Please note the following Senators have already signed the letter to the Prime Minister of Vietnam:Senator Landrieu
Senators Coleman, Oberstar, Lincoln, Lautenber,Menendez, Kerry, Johnson, Bill Nelson, Akaka, Roberts, Murkowski,Durbin, Klobuchar
Please note the following Representatives have already signed the letter to the Prime Minister of Vietnam:Rep. Jim Oberstar
Rep. Scott Garrett, Jerry Costello & Joe Pitts
If you have any questions, contact Joint Council staff via advocate@jcics.org