Building Families Through The Miracle Of Adoption

Oct 24, 2008

Post-Adoption paperwork begins!

Loves to wrap up in the ANIMAL blanket...the monkey is her favorite...maybe because she acts like one!!!


This is my new trick with my pacifier!!!

It's time to begin that we are back in the USA, we have to re-adopt Halle-Grace. What does that mean...more paperwork, more visits from the social worker who completed our initial homestudy and so on. We must also write an annual report until Halle-Grace is 18 years old to submit with photos. The crazy thing is the paper said "do not submit nude photos of your child", I am thinking WHO in the world did such a thing? You know there is a REASON they put that in the paperwork!!! Scary, huh? There's also a section in the paperwork that asks for photos every 6 months for the first 3-4 years, I so wanted to write in the blog address because I try to keep everything right here. I update photos weekly or at least try to. I have no idea what to write about...honestly, Halle-Grace acts like she has been with us since DAY 1! No adjustment issues, what-so-ever...she went to Jason & I immediately (not favoring one or the other), loves to entertain and be the center of attention. She is FOR SURE our child. She has my temper and today she started holding her pinky finger out when drinking her bottle. Jason almost died. He is always making fun of me! When I hold a glass, my pinky sticks out! I don't know why? But my daughter does it when holding her bottle!!! LOL

Her 2nd tooth on the bottom finally reared it's mean head. Poor baby has been in PAIN! It is sad! Speaking of pain, please pray for Scott! Bless his heart! He went in for what was suppose to be routine surgery and has had many complications...leading to a feeding tube today and is still in the ICU unit! Halle-Grace misses aunt Krista and uncle Scott and wants him to feel better SOON!

Have a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

Sweet, Sweet baby. We miss her at the beach this week-end. We are watching cartoons and Hunter, Hannah,and Gene just returned from a golf cart ride and of course Miss Sophie had to go. Love and miss you, Nanny

Anonymous said...

hey shannan and halle grace you are so cute halle grace we wish you were hear halle grace. love hannah

Shriver Family Blessings! said...


I still think you went to Vietnam and really gave birth to Halle-Grace b/c that child is SHANNON DEVINE UP AND DOWN BACKWARDS AND FORWARDS. Jason said the Lord must have a sense of humor and I believe it. She even has your mannerisms. I told your mother the other day how Halle-Grace was grunting while you were on the phone with me, and I said well I know where she got it b/c Shannon does that. When someone says something off the wall to you I always hear a sound that sounds close to what Halle-Grace did (LOL). She is her mother's child!!!!

Shannon Devine "Miss Magic's mommy" said...

HA HA HA!!! Dana, she is now GROWLING at people! What am I going to do? I PROMISE I do not growl at her!

Nanny & Hannah and the rest of the family at the beach...we miss you all too! Little Miss Magic is finally asleep after a long day!

Love you all!