Building Families Through The Miracle Of Adoption

Sep 26, 2008

Thank you all for your prayers! God is faithful!

Aunt Sally & Gloria, thank you for offering your guest room as well. Jason appreciated your call and we all appreciate the prayers. Jason & Granny are still camping out in the parking lot. Gabby is doing well (considering all she has been through). She had surgery about 48 hours ago and she is in the hands of the BEST at CVS. Jason told me they were able to take her outside for a potty break! HOW AWESOME!!! She is such a fighter!

Words cannot express our gratitude to the entire staff/team at Carolina Vet. Specialist in Charlotte. WE LOVE YOU ALL and you ARE family!Halle-Grace is ready to meet you and Gabby too! THANK YOU FOR TAKING CARE OF HER!
GET WELL SOON GABBY! When you get home you can stand on the stairs (like you are in the photo) and wait to play laser with your dad:)

Right now we are set to leave Hanoi on Monday night (if we receive Halle-Grace's visa Monday afternoon) if not, we will leave on Wed. night. If we leave Monday night, we will be arriving in Charlotte on Tuesday around 2:45pm
I am not stressed about the flight nor the time...God is in control and as Uncle Scott told Jason, "if you believe HIS plan is perfect, then start acting like it." WOW, how true is that statement!!! Scott's faith amazes me! He is a testimony for everyone he meets.

(I know this entry is jumping "all over the place" but there are so many things on my heart and my emotions are just flowing onto the screen!)

I have started packing and getting Halle-Grace set for a LONG flight home. I am SO blessed that Nanny is still here and is traveling with me. The first place I am going when I arrive in see GABBY girl!

Again, thank you all for the MANY prayers along this journey to Halle-Grace. Really, "The Journey" is just NOW beginning. Now all the stress and anxiety can turn into fun and a lifetime of memories. Get well soon Gabby! You are a fighter! Can't wait to see my Gabby girl!!!!

God Bless you ALL! Pray us home and Gabby too!



Shriver Family Blessings! said...

I can't stop crying because I am just so happy your dreams are coming true and I know life is going to be PERFECT once Gabby is Home. You and Jason have remained so strong during this whole journey and your strength has given many of us renewed faith in the Lord. I have to admit there were times in my life where I doubted God, but seeing him reveal his Miracles through Halle-Grace proves to all of us HE IS REAL. Scott is right with his sayings and boy is it true!!!! Shannon, we love you girl and can't wait for you, Wanda, and Precious Halle-Grace to step on the Carolina Soil. Stay Strong and know we are all on bended knees with hands folded in prayer. Have a safe journey, and know Gabby is in the best of hands.

Dana, Paul, Jacob, Charleston Evan and Elizabeth Ellis (Kayla Belle too)

Shannon Devine "Miss Magic's mommy" said...

AMEN SISTER DANA! Thank you for this comment. God works in mysterious ways! We hope to see you on TUESDAY! Thank you for the prayers and keep them coming.

Love you!

Alix said...

If anyone can get a visa out of the Rooster, it's you Shannon. :) :)

Glad that Gabby is holding her own.

Love what Scott said. I'm going to need to remember that when I feel overwhelmed. :)

Suzanne said...

Scott is such a man of great Faith! I hope you can feel all the love and prayers that are coming your way!! You will have to tell moma that after we talked this morning about Papa Gene and the washing, Hunter has taken a great interest in learning to wash. He has done a load of whites, colored, and towels for me today!!! Can you believe him. He is such a sweetie. Hannah says she is still too little.(LOL) She uses this excuse to her advantage. She is a mess. WE LOVE YOU!!

Candi said...

I am so excited for you and Jason! We have been following your blog every day since Jason told us about it at CVS. I just wanted to tell you how much I admire you and your family. I cannot imagine going through what you are going through now- fighting to bring your daughter home to the US, you being a world away from your husband and home for so long, Jason living here without you and Halle Grace which I know is killing him, and now Gabby being so sick. You two have remained so strong and positive throughout all of this. Your love and compassion for life is truly amazing to me. Hang in there! I know everything will work out the way you have always dreamed it would. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers ALWAYS!
-Candi, Receptionist, Carolina Veterinary Specialists

Shriver Family Blessings! said...


I am so happy as I got a text from Jason that Gabby is still doing well. Praise the Lord!!!! Gabby knows her Momma is coming home and she is going to be ready!!!! Is Halle-Grace packed and ready to go?

Shannon Devine "Miss Magic's mommy" said...

Thank you all!

Please tell EVERYONE at CVS that I appreciate the care that Gabby is getting. I cannot thank you all enough! I am scared to death but I know she is in the BEST hands and God is watching over this entire situation. I pray Gabby is better soon! I miss her more than you can imagine and I just want her to be able to share in this new chapter of our lives. It breaks my heart to know she is not well. THANK YOU AGAIN and please get my Gabby Girl home as soon as you can! I will see you Tuesday!